Reconnective Healing
A more comprehensive spectrum of energy, Reconnective Healing expands beyond any and all known forms of “energy healing,” allowing for healings on all levels (physical, emotional, mental, spiritual). “Light and information” is transferred from the Source to flow through to your very Being and Essence as it heightens your Awareness and Shifts your Consciousness on an evolutionary scale, healing yourself, healing others and healing the planet.
Reconnective Healing is a highly evolved form of energy interaction. It is recognized by today's science as the inclusive spectrum of vibrational frequencies comprised of energy, light and information. These frequencies encompass the energy systems and benefits of all known energy healing techniques, yet are accessible without ritual, complicated steps or procedures, and can be learned by everyone.
Energy Circles
Create powerful intentions and express your best self. Open your heart and mind to enjoy a magical experience in a group setting in which one person is the receiver and the others are the giver of the highest and purest intentions.
I had the opportunity to experience a workshop with Lynne McTaggart, author of New York Times best-selling book The Power of 8. The experience was so profound, not only for myself, but also others within my circle. As such, I am happy to share this experience with anyone who wishes to create something special in their lives.
Psychic Readings
Receive guidance for half an hour.
If you are looking for advice about moving forward and need someone to unblock the emotional barricades, learn more about yourself, open your heart, trust your intuition and expand your growth, schedule a reading with Sheldon Greene.
As a soul whisperer, Sheldon considers it her duty to open the door and believes it is her calling to:
Show you the light
Reach your potential
Become more enlightened
Fulfill your soul purpose
The most exciting benefit you will receive from this reading is to realize the light within yourself, rediscover your self worth, and know your highest self.
In this time of challenge, change and transformation, you will learn the best ways to protect yourself and be better able to discern the goodness and truthfulness of the information you are reading or programs you are seeing; enabling you to make better choices throughout your life.
Sheldon Greene has done hundreds of readings with people throughout the world from all walks of life. Her greatest joy is helping humanity evolve at this critical time.